Cookie Policy

iQnexxt Solutions GmbH ( and Trailondo brand  represented iQnexxt Solutions GmbH)  – whose offices are at Thomas-Esser-Str. 86, Office Park EU, D- 53879 Euskirchen, Germany – provides a platform for mobility which concentrates on customer relations between customers (renters) and private or business owners.

By using iQnexxt platforms, systems and websites, our platform and related services and subservices are using certain tracking and analysing tools – in short called “cookies “. This policy is for informing all users of  iQnexxt and Trailondo platform on how we use cookies and what abilities visitors and users do have to restrict the usage of cookies while using our platform.

This cookie policy complements our general terms and conditions and the data privacy policy.

Definition of cookies

Cookies are locally saved text files on smartphones and personal computers. They contain important information which are essential for the operation of websites, related systems and system applications. Furthermore, cookies are used to analyse behavioural usage.

What cookies do we use?

Trailondo uses cookies to customize services and improve the technical information exchange between technical systems. While doing so we use only encrypted connectivity to secure every information exchange.

While using cookies we differ between the following cookies:

·        Technical required cookies:

These are essential for seamless communication between our platforms and partner platforms. Functionalities and features such as site navigation, app navigation, functional usage and authorization or multilingual settings are only possible using cookies. Only when cookies are enabled the comfortable usage of webpages and applications is possible and prefilled templates, predefined text fields or many other functions can be provided. Just using cookies allows the navigation between different menus and webpages. Furthermore, they increase the user experience and usage comfort.

In addition, cookies allow the adjustment of all further cookies and the saving of these settings accordingly. Furthermore, we measure important performance metrics of related systems and applications to enable a seamless user experience and service operations without interruptions.

The following cookies are essential for Trailondo platform and services to provide functionality and cannot be deactivated:

·              Non-functional cookies

Non-functional cookies are only used when explicitly allowed by the user. If usage is confirmed, you automatically confirm that your personal data can be used by Trailondo and their related partners. The scope of personal data used by Trailondo is defined as follows:

·              Cookies for performance analysis

So called performance cookies allow to collect data about usage of our services. To increase technical efficiency the following items are analysed:

–         Statistics about usage

–         Performance measurement of websites, subsystems and related usage thereto (duration, selection, application flow). This information is used by us to improve our user experience and software ergonomics (analyse of mouse clicks, visited sites and contents, submission).

·              Visitor Cookie

The visitor cookie allows us to interact with your login, relate your account and link interactions. We specify and adopt the individual user experience according to the usage we measure.

·              Personalization and advertisement

Cookies for personalization and advertisement improve the user experience for advertisement related to our platform.

If you deactivate that cookie this leads to not showing content which is usually shown by Trailondo and partner websites.

List of Partners

The following cookies are used by Trailondo:

Google, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA:

o  Google Double Click

o  Google AdWords Conversion

o  Google Dynamic Remarketing


Hotjar is operated by Hotjar Ltd, Dragonara Business Centre 5th Floor, Dragonara Road, Paceville St Julian’s STJ 3141, Malta:

Further information about cookies from Google can be found here:





Management of cookies

Declaration of consent

As soon as you visit Trailondo, we ask you upfront if you agree using cookies or if you want to decline. Only if you agree, we will use cookies. You are allowed to reject the usage of cookies at any time except the technically required cookies which are essential to run our platform and applications. If you do not allow us to even use technical required cookies you may not be able to use our services.

Rejection of declaration and personalization

Through our homepage you can reject the use of cookies at any time.

Further information about the usage of cookies and advertisement and how we use these tools you can find here:

Cookie Settings

All common internet browsers do allow to manage the usage of cookies individually. Hereinafter you can find the links to the most commonly used internet browsers.

·     Google Chrome:

·     Microsoft Edge:

·     Apple Safari:

·     Mozilla Firefox:

If your browser is not mentioned, we kindly ask you to inform yourself about how your browser can manage cookies.

Smartphone usage

All common smartphones (based on iOS and Android) do allow to change the settings of cookies via system setting. Please check these settings according to your smartphone provider.

Furthermore, we would like to underline that the limitation of cookie usage (functional cookies) can lead to lead to negative application behaviour and limited comfort.

Data retention

We save your settings for a period of 12 months. Cookies are saved for a maximum period of 14 months.